Reading this column and last one on Ukraine I noticed that both China and Ukraine are very historical projects.

China: "The Indo-Pacific for the authorities in Beijing is a project belonging entirely to the future, something to be created by Chinese power as it slowly expands outside its borders."

Ukraine: "There is the connection to the past and the vivid sense of an open future. For Ukraine the question is how to take control over fate and not to flinch in the face of the abyss."

And how different, but yes with significant similarities. Super interesting.

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Another irony that has often bugged me. A "woke" America culturally appropriating the Indo-Pacific while figuratively removing the Asians from the Asia-Pacific. When Asians - like Abe - use the term, they are reclaiming their power and centrality from colonialism. When Americans use it, it is to claim a privilege despite being a non-regional actor. This might sound harsh but I think it is not unlike the use of the N word.

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